Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wait---John McCain, and Barak Obama?

Now, I don't care what form of political belief you subscribe to, but I find it inconceivable that these two clowns, who I have referred to as Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber, are the best that America can do.

As someone else once said, if you want to disprove evolution, just compare George Washington and George W. Bush.

And if you think I was favoring Mad John the Bombing Clown McCain over Barack "I saw the first season of 24 and know America is ready for a black President" Obama, then, please, feel free to mentally transpose Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber in the initial paragraph of this post. Trust me, I won't bitch. For me, really, it's a coin toss as to which is worse, it's like asking, "Do I use the straight razor on my left wrist first, or my right wrist?"

We're looking at a choice between a socialist big government true believer and a socialist big government true believer. And here I thought G-dubs and Al Gore's 2004 throwdown was as low as America could go! See Marx on Hegel, under the heading "History Repeating: Tragedy and Farce."


(You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. )

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