Thursday, June 19, 2008

All the news . . . that fits our agenda

I used to read National Review, although I never subscribed. I still read the online edition, although mostly as a form of cardiovascular exercise. (I mean, heart racing, blood pressure spiking---that's got to be a form of exercise, doesn't it?)

I've noticed, though, that when bad news comes out, the corridors of NRO echo with the sound of silence.

Although you wouldn't know it from reading the Corner, "A Senate hearing Tuesday is investigating the origins of aggressive interrogation techniques used by the United States against terrorism suspects." That's from Voice of America.

The AFP headline was Harsh interrogation methods stain U.S. image, endanger soldiers: experts.

Slate's was It Was Top Down, Stupid.

said Military lawyers objected to harsh interrogation techniques.

The LA Times: Torture began at the top.

In the Washington Post, Dana Milbank wrote "Abu Ghraib? Doesn't ring a bell."

As for the National Review, and it's blog The Corner . . . well, they talked a lot about how Barack Obama is kinda freaky. And Ireland and the EU treaty. June 2008 archives here.


Cause we all know that the NRO was against them there enhanced interrogation techniques. Right?

You know, my kids, when they were very little, thought that just by ignoring something it was as if that thing didn't even exist.

But that's when they were REALLY little.

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